A press conference hosted by the Taiwan Rainbow Civil Action Association (TWRCAA) on Tuesday (Oct. 8) announced the theme of ...
Supermicro 主席暨行政總裁 Charles Liang 表示:「由於系統經過優化的散熱設計,Supermicro 可以在具有 256 個核心的高密度 3U 20 PCIe 系統中提供所有這些效能,並可在邊緣資料中心部署。隨著 AI 市場逐漸成長,客戶需要一個強大、多功能的解決方案推論資料,以推理資料在靠近產生資料的地方,就地執行以 LLM 為基礎的應用程式。我們新的 3U Edge AI ...
Recognized as the top Environmental Consulting Firm by Engineering News-Record, AECOM is committed to delivering lasting ...
在記者會上,美國國務院亞太助卿康達(Daniel Kritenbrink)表示,拜登總統(Joe Biden)雖然沒有出席領袖會議,但仍完全致力於東盟地區。 康達表示,他無法透露布林肯在永珍舉行雙邊會晤的計劃細節,包括與中國的任何會議,但會上將討論一系列與中國有關的問題,包括中國「為脅迫和施壓許多南海聲索國而採取的升級和不負責任的舉措。」 ...
Datuk Ir. N. Purushothaman Nair of Malaysia is the Founder & CEO of Afrima Consulting Engineer Sdn Bhd (Afrima). He has achieved a milestone in his career by being recognized as a Master Entrepreneur ...
台灣旅客跟團赴克羅埃西亞旅遊,每人團費高達20萬,卻因當地旅行社未收到 壯遊旅行社 的款項而被要求再付2000歐元。交通部觀光署長周永暉昨 (8日) 指出,已發文要求旅行社停業3個月並提出改善措施。
德克薩斯州普萊諾2024年10月9日 /美通社/ -- 電動車充電站管理系統公司 Noodoe 與科技巨頭美國西門子 (Siemens) 共同獲取美國NTEP (美國國家型式評估計劃)的嚴格認證,推行通過美國國家標準的精準計量與符合市場規範技術的充電站,聯手引領北美電動車充電市場 。 此創新技術合作將顯著提升電動車充電的用戶體驗,為駕駛提供更靠的充電選擇。
Club 01: An entry-level tier accessible for 0-3 night stays. Members can enjoy flexible check-in/check-out, and access to the ...
This milestone not only enhances Yew Chung's 92-year legacy of educational excellence, but also positions YCCECE as the first private institution in Hong Kong to offer the Postgraduate Diploma in ...
"Ciconia will evaluate early development stage seeds, establish its own company based on the selected seeds, raise funds worldwide and pursue global product development," said Toshio Fujimoto, ...
Growing trend in the US for class action litigation against large US and international corporations related to privacy violations leads to surging costs Number of cyber claims overall expected to ...