The doctors, who are staying in the building of the Special Court during the questioning of the killer boy, intervened in the ...
The killer boy K.K., who is testifying today in the Special Court in the trial against his parents, reportedly decided to ...
According to media reports, several parents of the children killed in the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" briefly left ...
As reported by the media, the scenes in front of and in the Special Court, where the boy murderer K.K is testifying today, ...
President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said in Hamburg that Montenegro will get the answer it deserves from him.
The indictment for the murder of Danka Ilić (2) in Banjsko Polje was brought exactly two weeks ago, on September 24, and it ...
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Aleksandar Grushko said today that NATO is considering options for military ...
Kosta Kecmanović, who killed nine students and a guard at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar" on May 3, 2023, will ...
We talked about the European path, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. We did not have the same views on the issue of ...
Neke poznate ličnosti koje su mogle da budu uvučene u optužbe protiv Didija Kombsa već su se nagodile sa žrtvama kako bi ...
Srpski teniser Novak Đoković je po plasmanu u osminu finala, posle pobede nad Italijanom Flavijom Kobolijem, odmah saznao ...
Posle odluke Prištine da povuče meru o zabrani ulaska robe iz centralne Srbije, RTS sa lica mesta javlja da je preko Merdara ...