9:35 am – 10:35 am Partnering for Public Good: This panel will examine graduated approaches to enforcement to help charitable organizations and their advisors understand the challenges faced by ...
As discussed earlier, the argument that the Johnson Amendment (or its current interpretation) violates constitutionally protected speech rights must be balanced against the government’s ...
Lauren Rogal (Vanderbilt) has published NIMBY Charities, 56 Conn. L. Rev. 749 (2024). Here is the abstract: Neighborhood organizations often advocate for land use policies and decisions that ...
On Tuesday, the Michigan Court of Appeals upheld a Tax Tribunal decision denying religious and charitable property tax exemption to the Woodside Bible Church's Retreat Center. The property's ...
Last month the Council on Foundations and Commonfund released the version of their annual Study of Investment of Endowments for Private and Community Foundations, with data form 2023. From the ...
Each year, by the end of September, the IRS provides guidance on the extension of the replacement period under I.R.C. §1033(e)(2)(B) for livestock sold on account of drought, flood or other ...
Artnet reports that a trial court in Indiana has approved the proposed sale by Valparaiso University of three artworks, concluding that "it is no longer economically or practically feasible to ...
This hypothesis is based only on anecdotes, but it appears that there are an increasing number of reported high-dollar thefts from charities that involve a mix of government funding - and so ...
We have previously discussed in this space the emergence of "Scam PACs" that fraudsters use to avoid charitable solicitation rules and often to take advantage of the current sharp political ...
From the NY Times yesterday: Joel Fleishman, whose prominence as an expert on philanthropy was only the most public side of a man whose wide network of friends in high places, immense fund-raising ...