Exactly one year after the start of the latest and most brutal phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we feel the need to ...
We will keep speaking out against the ongoing violence and occupation, and we hope that you will continue to support us in this mission ...
In 2015, the EU oligarchy didn’t hesitate to blame countries like Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain – the so-called ...
Israel’s violent extremists now in control of its government believe that Israel has the Biblical license, indeed a religious ...
What underpins the transformative impact of campaigning? Short term success or failure may be a poor guide to the future ...
This latest act of aggression deepens Israel’s cycle of violence and perpetuates its legacy of occupation and human suffering ...
Draghi’s report calls for Europe to invest 5% of its income in green energy. The same plan was proposed nearly a decade ...
As "Die Linke" is fading into obscurity, it is time for the founding of MERA25 in Brandenburg and all other federal states ...
Never in its history of war and military occupation has Israel been so incapable of developing a coherent plan for its future and the future of its victims ...